When it comes to choosing tires for your vehicle, you want to buy a set that will help to keep you safe whenever you're on the road. This is especially true if you live where the winters are filled with snow and ice — which can make for precarious driving conditions for several months of the year. One type of tire that your local tire retailer will have available is a studded model. These tires have a number of small, metal studs placed throughout the treads to provide more traction in slippery conditions. While many motorists can benefit from studded tires, you should specifically consider a set if one of these situations applies to you.
You've Been In A Winter Accident
Being in an accident in the winter can shake your confidence in driving. For example, if you slid off the road after hitting an icy patch, you might feel tentative about getting behind the wheel because of fears over once again losing control on an icy road. Being afraid of driving is never a good thing, and you want to be confident whenever you're on the road. Buying a set of studded tires for your vehicle will provide a lot more traction for you, which should help you to feel more confident when you pull out of your driveway.
You Drive For Your Job
Some people who drive for their jobs use company vehicles, but this isn't always the case. If you work in sales, for example, you'll often use your own vehicle to visit clients during the workday. You can't let bad weather conditions get in the way of your job. For example, if you were to repeatedly avoid meeting with clients because of concerns over road conditions, this may eventually aggravate some of your clients. Upgrading to studded tires will allow you to safely complete any job-related driving that you need to do.
Your Area's Weather Conditions Change Quickly
During the winter, many people closely monitor the forecast with the goal of being home when the weather is bad. For example, you might plan to run errands in the morning when the weather is clear, with the expectation of getting home before a storm hits. In some areas, weather conditions can change quickly. For example, if you live in a mountainous area, you know that storms can arrive with little warning. Having studded tires is advantageous because if you end up being caught away from home when the weather turns bad, you'll be able to drive safely.
Reach out to a local tire shop to learn more about your options.